Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is the COO of Advanced Publishing LLC, the parent company of ALIVE Media & Book Publishing. He is the publisher of the San Francisco Bay Area's most eclectic editorial monthly, ALIVE Magazine, and the founder and owner of the podcasting hub, The Talk Pod. He has written hundreds of columns on a variety of topics for ALIVE and The Valley Citizen and authored dozens of feature articles on topics ranging from politics and behavior, to religion, science, and economics.

Realistic Expectations

I have said that it was important for every author to understand why they want to have their book published.  But why is that the case?  Why is it so important that you understand the reason? Very simply, it’s important because you need to have realistic expectations. Knowing your reasons will give you a clearer picture of what goals might be achievable.    When I first meet with an author, I always ask, “Why do […]

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What’s Up With AI?

I have a hot topic. We might say it’s the new “boogeyman” under the bed. His name is… AI Everybody’s talking about him in the media. Elon Musk, politicians, my neighbors and friends. Your neighbors and friends! Everyone’s got an opinion. Now, I’ll admit, when I first heard that with AI, someone who sounds like someone you know, who calls you —who’s NOT someone you know, is pretty disturbing.   But when I stopped to

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The Importance of Knowing Your “Why”

In one of our other blog posts, I said that it was important for every author to understand why they want to have their book published.  But why is that the case?  Why is it so important that you know the reason? Very simply, it’s important because you need to have realistic expectations. When you know your reasons, you will have a clearer picture of what goals might be achievable. When I first meet with

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What’s the “Secret” to Having a Bestseller?

Something I’ve seen online and on social media are so-called experts—authors, publishers, and others—selling the “secret of success” in book publishing. This kind of pitch is nothing new. It reminds me of when people jumped on the “house flipping” bandwagon; people in real estate figured out they could make serious money, not from fixing up houses and selling them, but by selling programs teaching people how to fix up homes to sell. Is there a

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The Most Important Question

There is one thing above all others that every author should be clear about. It is the answer to the question: Why do you want to have your book published?  What is your reason for wanting to become a published author? You should ask yourself, “What do I hope to get out of this?” In other words, “What is your goal? There are many reasons why people want to be published. For some, it’s all

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Is Your Book “Worthy” of Publishing?

I received an inquiry through this website recently that read: “Hello, we are in the makings of a book and are curious if it would be “publishing worthy.” Later that same day I met in my office with an author who was accompanied by her husband. She had written a biography about a family member who had lived what she considered an interesting life. As she shared some details with me, her husband politely interrupted

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Critical Marketing Strategies That Help Authors Sell More Books

How about we venture into what most authors find mysterious–the dynamic realm of book marketing? What are some critical strategies that can significantly boost your book sales? Before we delve deeper, let’s address a dichotomy that exists in the world of writing and selling books. There are essentially two types of authors: those who consider bookselling a game of chance and those who transform it into a strategic business enterprise. The former group, constituting about

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Money Flows to The Author?

I had a conversation recently with an author who had some questions about the publishing process. There are, of course, many things to discuss with an author about this, depending upon their current knowledge. The topic of “publishing” is enormous, so to provide a cogent response that the author will hopefully find helpful requires a bit of probing on my part. The conversation often begins with the author saying, “I am brand new at this,

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The Question That Needs Answering When Choosing a Publishing Company

What is the best way to choose a publishing company? What criteria should an author use to determine what may be one of the most important decisions in his or her writing career? To be sure, searching for a publisher can seem a daunting task for the novice, un-published author. One phrase I hear probably more often than any other, is, “I am new at this; I know virtually nothing about it.” After years in

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Is YOUR Book “Good Enough?”

Celebrities, professional athletes, and those considered newsworthy or controversial aren’t generally shy when it comes to having their stories published. Being popular has a way of boosting one’s self-confidence, even if their greatest life accomplishment is nothing other than  being a professional basketball player or an actor who plays the part of a comic book super-hero. But everyone has a story, and many of those we’ve heard over the years are every bit as interesting

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